As we recently experienced the one-year anniversary of the global pandemic, we recognize just how much children have had to adapt to a new way of life and most importantly, their education. The countless hours […]
Author: Brighter Beginnings
When a child experiences strong, frequent and/or prolonged adversity, such as physical or emotional abuse, chronic neglect, caregiver substance abuse or mental illness, exposure to violence, or the accumulated burdens of family economic hardship without […]
Teen Dating Violence (TDV) impacts the lives of not only teenagers, but can also impact their family, friends, and teachers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this form of violence can […]
January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, and now, thanks to cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccinations it is the most preventable of all female cancers. The human papillomavirus virus (HPV) is the leading cause of […]